Sunday, September 9, 2012

Veggie Mama needs YOU!

So as you know, I'm baking the newest addition to the Veggie Family. And while I've got plenty of stuff stashed away for you on the blawg so you don't have to live without me when iBaby 2.0 arrives, I'd also like to open up the place to some new guys - you guys!

Do YOU want to write for Veggie Mama? Do you have a funny story, or a tale of how you went veg? Or how you are adding more meatless meals to your repertoire but your other half is a veggie-phobe? A recipe? A craft tutorial? A kid-related kid thing?

Well, I want it. And so do my readers.

I don't care if you've been blogging one month or ten years. All's I care about is you want to share, because I want to share too. All are welcome. You don't need a great camera, an English degree or a culinary background. I'm an equal-opportunity guest-post-requester and we're all friends here.

Let me know - mamavegetable at - don't be shy!



  1. Yep I'd love to contribute if you'll have me. I'm a veg lover but have to sneak it into my husband's diet and sometimes my toddler. Let me know if / when you'd like me to contribute!

  2. I've just sent you an email, what an exciting opportunity!

  3. How exciting! I've found myself craving veggie dishes more and more recently, would love to contribute. A x

  4. Kelley @ magnetoboldtooSeptember 9, 2012 at 9:31 AM

    Heh heh heh... Don't know if you want my kind of recipes...

  5. I love this idea...I asked for guest posters when I was in hospital after getting my appendix out and I loved reading what other people came up with!

    I will definitely send something your way!
    Best of luck with the second Veggie Baby!

  6. Hi, I'd love to! I've just sent you an emaIl.

  7. Well I thoroughly enjoyed the semen cookbook x

  8. Excellent, i love your stuff! And it's been fun finding new blogs :)

  9. just sent you an email would love to post for you ;-) Starting from today i am the new vegetarian in my family! woo hoo

  10. I'd love to cook up a little recipe for you, it might even be a dessert, with a French touch! I'll send you an email!
