Sunday, July 8, 2012

Veggie Meal Plan

I can't stop looking at recipes for seriously, seriously healthy food. Like if it's vegan, gluten- and sugar-free, and full of things I've never heard of before like maca and bee pollen, I am all over it. I don't know who I am any more! The things I've been eating for lunch... the things I've been putting in smoothies... I've either lost my mind or I'm about to add some seriously cool superfoods into my life. Possibly both.

Having said that, I have a lot of ricotta to use up this week, so first cab off the rank will be a cheesy spinach lasagna. Muhahahaha!

I got a little bit of quiet time to organise dinners and my shopping list this week.

It wasn't as sunny as it has been, but it was nice to have a hot drink and lose myself in the moment in the fresh air and without a grubby toddler grabbing my stuff, knocking over things and blocking everyone's path in her giant pram. A solo cafe hour does wonders!

Lots of potential for leftovers (good for back-to-school lunches) and wintry dinners this week.

  • Spinach and ricotta lasagna
  • Stuffed mushrooms, baked pumpkin and peas
  • Beet and feta tarts + salad
  • Quorn crispy fillets with sweet potato + haloumi quinoa salad
  • fajitas
I also picked up some cool vegan goodies at my local Asian supermarket - I love poking around in there and seeing what new things they have. Am already a fan of their veggie dumplings and dim sims, so was intrigued to see BBQ ribs, BBQ chicken, crispy duck and steamed buns on this trip. Will have to find some time to experiment.

Using all my fruit and veg before it goes gross is still a big deal around here, and I'm doing well. I made the world's biggest lentil + veg curry last night, I'm honestly going to have to buy a new freezer to contain the excess. Will be most handy when young iBaby 2.0 makes an appearance! But it is so good knowing I'm being conscious with my buying and cooking.

Oh, I'll be making some hummus this week too, and experimenting with new flavours. Possibly also making some waffles. Will keep you posted!


  1. sorry i got distracted by the words 'solo cafe hour' and started daydreaming. i'm sure this post is lovely, though.

  2. I'm certainly loving the range of Asian stores we have around... and their range.  Plus I do recommend a freezer... having four to eight children in the house at any one time!

  3. haha I still can't believe I had one. It's like a dream.

  4. I used to have an upside-down fridge, and the freezer part was gigantic. I am sad my newer fridge doesn't have the same capacity ;(

  5.  We have a massive deep freezer in the garage plus two other fridge/freezers... I'm sorry you don't have that larger capacity as well! x

  6. It makes me saaaaaaaad. Perhaps if I took my wedding cake out I'd have room for other things! Having said that, I cleaned the freezer out last night after our discussion and found heaps of room :)
