Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Veggie Baby Food: Pear and Apricot Puree

How pretty is this colour!

Back when baby veggie ate puree, (which went by fleetingly, to my surprise!), she loved this pear-and-apricot concoction. These days she's all about broccoli spears and whole nectarines, but I still make a puree now and then for dinners and things and when I've already changed her outfit 4 times and she's had two baths so damned if she's getting dirty again!

This one's terribly easy - peel, core and dice a pear or two and put in a saucepan with a little water. Add 3-6 (depends on amount of pear) finely-chopped dried apricots. Cook gently until all is soft. You can add a lid to help steam the apricot if you like. Puree in a processor.

And if you're funny about sulphur and dried fruit and whatever, feel free to substitute for fresh.

Yum :)


  1. The puree stage goes by so quickly doesn't it?

    My littlest one isn't far off solids - will have to save this one to my favourites to try on him, looks very yummy!

  2. oh man, SO fast! I was just getting into the swing of things!

  3. I shall keep this recipe for when MPS is old and senile... heh

  4. haha think how regular he'll be - no metamucil needed!

  5. True to my word - I just came back to your blog for this recipe and am going to try it out on my little monkey this weekend!

  6. Ooh let me know how it goes down! VB really loves it.
