Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Kid food: Breakfast

Another couple of breakfasts the little miss has been loving lately. Dinner is a bit more difficult as there seems to be stuff she's just not interested in. But I've never seen her not eat breakfast!

Grapes have been a mainstay, she's been ignoring the peaches after preiously loving them. Will keep on trucking and offering her bits and pieces. The farmer's markets turned up mandarines this week, so will try those, de-seeded and de-membraned.

I fricken hate juice and getting sticky, but I will do it for this precious little pie. If she doesn't eat them, I may never forgive her though.

ate the cheese from the top. threw the rest away.

english muffin with jam and peaches with a side of bed hair.

peanut butter on wholegrain with grapes. peanut butter produces no reaction, thankfully.

vegemite and cream cheese on rye with grapes. cheerios to tide her over while it cooked.

avocado on wholegrain and blueberries. favourite.

what do your little ones like to eat?


  1. I've really got to try and get more creative at breakfast time again. My girl just has either cheerios or Weetbix, plus toast with either vegemite or cream cheese. Occasionally I'll feel generous and make her pancakes. But she seems pretty content with her breakfast, it's the lunch meal that stumps me. I find it hard to come up with different things.
    The avocado toast and blueberries looks yum!

  2. yeah we do waffles here sometimes! I've got a lovely lunch post coming up soon, it might help :)

  3. Well, my little ones are big ones now.....but they have a fancy for scrambled eggs lately.  Oh, and pancakes on Sunday!

  4. ANB of Suburban SonnetApril 18, 2012 at 9:41 AM

    For breakfast we've been doing lots of cheese on toast, sometimes with tomato. Also muesli with yoghurt and various fruits, strawberry puree being the most popular so far. Sometimes plain yoghurt with fruit mixed in plus a side of vegemite toast. E (2 years) will eat eggs anytime of day, but I try to save them for lunches/dinners.

  5. Cherie @ a baby called MaxApril 18, 2012 at 9:58 AM

    Keep doing this! I love it.

    Sorry, that came across really quite dictator-like, didn't it?

    But yes. Keep doing this :)

    P.S ... that FACE!

  6. Haha I'm pleased someone is direct! Every time one tries a new thing on their blog, one never knows how they will be received xx

  7. That's so funny, I always see eggs as a breakfast food. So far too, we've kept breakfast to finger foods. She loves yogurt though, so I will give that a go soon... love the idea of strawberry purée!

  8. My kids love all different types of fruit. My girls are more adventurous and my son can be picky. You're so lucky to have  no reaction to this lovely fare. My younger two, when they were very little, used to get burnt bottoms from mandarins and grapes. Trouble is, they were obsessed with eating those!

  9. Aw poor littlies! Yes so far so good here, I keep a prett close eye on her because I try so many new things. She appears to be quite sturdy :-)

  10. Jess @ Beach House LoveApril 18, 2012 at 11:59 AM

    My little guy has always had and loved whole grain oats cooked with grated apple and then some LSA and flaxseed oil mixed in. We don't mix up breakfast that much as he loves it and I know it's super good for him unfortunately lunch and dinner aren't so great but hey one out of three ain't bad :)

  11. I usually load them with lots of fruits like apple,oranges and grapes. Or I sometimes prepare smoothies for them. Cereals and some milk on some days.

  12. Good tukka mumma!

    my girl is all about b.a.n.a.n.a.s!

    xo em

  13. fruit is always popular around here! At the moment I'm focusing on finger food she can manage, but when she gets spoon skills, breakfasts will be launched into the stratosphere! Thanks so much for sharing x

  14. I cannot believe my kid doesn't like them. Only baby in the universe to not?

  15. Yummy!  I want all of that for myself... 
    Love the new blog look too lovely. xx

  16. Thank you kindly! And half the time I do have the same stuff :)

  17. My youngest would live on avocado toast & blueberries.. they are her favourites!
    Brekky/luunch winners in my home have always been mashed banana with plain yoghurt (& sometimes a little honey), grilled cheese & avocado on toast, watermelon, banana pancakes, smoothies, slices of hard bolied egg with toast.

  18. I would love if you would share these healthy breakfast ideas and maybe another recipe of yours on my foodie friday linky today.

  19. My 14-month old can't get enough of avocado on wholemeal toast. I'm still too scared to try peanut butter. Read too many horror stories and my family is no stranger to allergy issues. But we really need to re-visit blueberries. He threw them away last time, but I think it's time to try again. xx

  20. banana pancakes FTW!! We had banana waffles here last week - a huge hit! Love the sliced hard-boiled egg idea xx

  21. I was really hoping she wouldn't react, as peanut butter is excellent for veggie babies, a good source of lots of necessities. Luckily we have no family allergy history, so I tried it almost the minute she turned 1! She gets the lovely organic health-food-store variety, and mama gets the good old sugary Kraft... I just can't make the switch!

  22. Have just stumbled across your site via pinterest, and am v v happy to have done so.  I've completely lost my cooking mojo recently (apart from cakes, but apparently I can't feed 'em cakes all the time - much to their annoyance) - and we're also meatless (but not fishless), so it's wonderful to find a whole new artillery of recipes.  But to answer your  q - mainly they like to eat cake.  And bread.  And hummus. But actually, they're pretty good about anything I cook.  Apart from soup (boy) and mushrooms (girl).  Mushroom soup is, therefore, banned.  

  23. As huge a fan I am of mushrooms and soup... I just can't bring myself to make mushroom soup! Weird. but maybe your kids are onto something. Especially the cake thing. Anyway, welcome aboard! I hope you find something xx
