Sunday, May 16, 2010

Haloumi, tomato and green bean salad.

Haloumi is one of the single greatest foods on this great earth. It. Is. So. Delicious. It. Should. Be. Illegal.

But darn, I'm glad it isn't. Because then I would cry, and I go all red and blotchy when that happens, and that's just not going to be fun for anyone.

Being one of the extremely odd minority of westerners, I don't like chocolate. Sure, I eat it occasionally, but it's pretty infrequent, and I rarely, if ever crave it. Now haloumi, on the other hand... that is what I dream about. Haloumi, a good stilton, a sharp gruyere... these are guaranteed to get me excited and behave like a complete freak at the buffet table.

It's not pretty, folks.

But moving on, its pan-seared goldenness paired with its salty and smooth molten interior makes me weak at the knees, and constantly trying to figure out a way to insert it into other, unsuspecting foods. This is where this salad was born.


1 block haloumi, diced

1 tomato, diced

1 handful green beans, topped and tailed and blanched in boiling water for 2 minutes

Juice of 1/2 a lemon

drizzle of olive oil



uh... mix it!

I served it recently with some "chicken" soy fillets that I'd marinated in the other half of the lemon's juice, a clove of garlic and a teaspoon of fresh oregano, chopped. Then I fried it. And it looked like this:

And it was good.


  1. yu-um! well, not so much the soy chicken, but the salad - sounds yummy! making it tonight, actually! :)

  2. how did that picture come up? it's not me, so is it you Veggie Mama??

  3. Yes, that's me! How funny!!

    Meanwhile, you'd be surprised at the soy chicken.... :)
